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Trade Account Request

Signing up for a Trade Account with The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company enables you, as a business, to enjoy a wide range of benefits. We offer discounted trade prices for most of our products while showcasing some of our latest deals.

Trade customers will have unlimited access to over 1,000 types of Tea, and 80 types of Coffee stocked here at our Pluckley, Kent-based factory. Our guarantee is that, where possible, we pack everything fresh to order. This ensures not only quality but also consistency.

Other perks with a Trade Account include custom Tea and Coffee blends made exclusively for your business, advice on creating the perfect Loose Leaf Tea and/or Coffee menu, and unparalleled customer service that’s ready to help every step of the way.

Already signed up? Login to your trade account now. Alternatively, fill out the form below and create a new account today. You can find our more about our Wholesale Coffee Supply and our Wholesale Tea Supplier Information on our website.

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