It’s time for you to indulge with the Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company’s very own Honeybush Chocolate Cake tea!
Infusing the naturally sweet flavours of Honeybush with the delights of Chocolate (MILK) and rosebuds, this beverage melts in your mouth while satisfying your sweet tooth.
Honeybush Chocolate Cake tea also has the ability to meet all of your dessert needs without spoiling your diet, as well as being low in tannins and completely caffeine free!
Where is Honeybush Tea From
Honeybush tea is grown in and around the Eastern Cape of South Africa and comes from a shrub of the Cyclopia family. It is traditionally picked during its flowering period, which can often occur either during the early-Autumn or late-Spring months.
However, with the demand for this delightful blend rapidly increasing, some harvesting can be extended to summer. Similar to its Rooibos cousin, Honeybush, as a beverage, is actually an herbal tea rather than a ‘tea’, but has a slightly sweeter taste to its counterpart. Its name is due to the aroma omitted from the plant which is largely associated with the smell of Honey.
History of Honeybush Tea
Sharing a relatively young history with the tea industry, Honeybush Loose Tea was first recognised for its properties just a few hundred years ago. During the 17th and 18th Century, as Dutch and British settlers began to colonise South Africa, the surrounding region of present-day Cape Town had been home to a number of indigenous tribes who had used Rooibos as an herbal remedy within their communities for hundreds of years prior.
Meanwhile, records establish that Honeybush had very little relevance to the tribespeople of South Africa, with its consumption not truly recognised until the European intervention on the continent. By 1705, Botanists had begun to examine the plant and subsequently published literature with many references to Honeybush.
This was followed 100 years later by South Africa changing hands from the Dutch to the British, leading to extensive research on the rich flora of the cape. Soon, Honey Bush Tea was established as an excellent alternative to ordinary tea with the publication of the ‘King’s American Dispensatory of 1898’ noting its capabilities as a viable (and delicious) substitute.
Type of Tea: Loose Leaf Honeybush.
Origin: The Eastern Cape of South Africa.
Ingredients: Honeybush Tea, Chocolate Chips, Cream-Caramel pieces, Natural Flavouring, and Rosebuds.
Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water and infuse for 8 – 10 minutes for the full richness of this tisane.
How to Serve: The addition of lemon can make an interesting balance between bitter and sweet, although for those truly wishing to indulge on the rich sweetness of Honeybush Chocolate Cake tea, consider adding honey. Of course a slice of Chocolate Cake on the side would be pure decadence !
Tasting Notes: Staying true to its name, this beverage is reminiscent of a large slice of chocolate (MILK) cake! So why not surrender to your cravings with this luxurious and full-bodied tea as you savour the slight malty undertones and the moreish chocolatey aftertaste.
Colour in Cup: Rich Brown liquor, dark in tone.
Honeybush Benefits
It seems Rooibos Tea might have some competition for the greatest South African beverage with Honeybush offering a wealth of incredible health benefits.
When consumed as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, this beverage can offer an improved immune system, anti-inflammatory properties, and even menopausal relief!
If that wasn’t enough, Honeybush Chocolate Cake tea is high in vitamins and is jam-packed with many antioxidants including flavones, isoflavones, coumestans, luteolin, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid, polyphenols, and xanthones.
Contains Allergen: Soya Lecitin, Condensed Milk.