Medium Caffeine Coffee

If Decaf does nothing for you and High Caffeine Coffee does TOO much, why not have a Medium Caffeine Coffee? This, as its name suggests, is the perfect middle-ground. Choices include Flavoured Coffee, such as Brandy Flavoured Coffee and Amaretto Flavoured Coffee.

Alternatively, you could have Dark Mountain, Hawaiian Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee! The possibilities are nearly endless so long as you choose The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

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Caffeine is a stimulating chemical compound found naturally in around 60 plants. Most famous of all is the Coffea (Coffee) plant, a close second being Camellia sinensis (Loose Leaf Tea). A German scientist named Fredric Ferdinand Ruge first discovered caffeine in the 19th century.

Before then, no one knew why drinking a cup of Coffee provided energy. Now, we have concluded that caffeine functions by blocking adenosine. In doing this, it heightens brain activity.

Once, the World Health Organisation (WHO) considered caffeinated Coffee a carcinogen. Today, evidence indicates that one of the Coffee benefits may instead reduce the risk of liver cancer by up to 40%. This might be because of its ability to reduce the amount of fat inside the liver.

While we don’t endorse its consumption for this reason per se, the research looks promising. What we do recommend, however, is that you buy Medium Caffeine Coffee today!