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Your Ultimate Tea and Coffee Blog page 53

Guatemala Coffee Guide

Guatemala Coffee Guide

Welcome to the world of Guatemala Coffee. This Central American country, with its vast mountain ranges and deep river valleys, has for over 150 years produced outstanding Coffee beans of unparalleled quality. It is, according to recent statistics, the second largest Coffee producer of the Central American region – and with good reason, too. The […]

Best Teas For A Detox

Best Teas For A Detox

Is it time you had a Tea cleanse? Many Teas have detoxifying qualities that can help us to feel refreshed and replenished after weeks of being unhealthy. Although they can’t do all of the work, they make for a terrific start to a ‘new you’. However, the internet is rife with ‘fake news’ when it […]

Green Tea Latte

Green Tea Latte Recipe

Green Tea, the second most consumed Tea in the world, has already won the hearts of many. According to statistics, we drink 600,000 tonnes of it every year! This is an increase of 20% in the last decade alone. Indeed, as its popularity continues to increase, connoisseurs have started experimenting with its flavour – enter […]

History of Tea in the UK

History of Tea in the UK

It’s no secret that the British have long had a love affair with Tea. In reality, the word “Tea” alone has for centuries become synonymous with all things stereotypically “British” from croquet to cucumber sandwiches. The history of Tea in the UK started some 350 years ago. Ever since, we as a nation have proudly wiggled […]

Fruit Tea and Tisanes

Fruit Tea Benefits

The world of Tea is changing. Recent statistics suggest that Black Tea sales have dropped by 5% in less than half a decade. In comparison, popularity in Fruit Teas and Tisanes, as well as Herbal infusions, has risen by 8%. There are several reasons for this dramatic shift. Firstly, people are beginning to become more […]