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Your Ultimate Tea and Coffee Blog page 51

How To Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

How To Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

Art is subjective. So is making the perfect cup of Tea. Everyone seems to have an opinion. Everyone seems to like different things. Black Tea or Green Tea? Tea Bags or Loose Tea? Add milk, lemon, honey, sugar, or nothing at all? Ultimately, it all depends on personal preference. There is an optimum temperature for […]

Sri Lanka Tea

Sri Lanka Tea History

Sri Lanka is an island country that lies in the Bay of Bengal just below the southeastern tip of India. From 1815 until 1948, it was a British colony called Ceylon. In 1972, the once colony of Ceylon changed its name to reflect its independence. The name that didn’t change, however, was that of Ceylon […]

High Tea Explained

What Is High Tea? 

Have you ever dutifully scoured a menu and pondered the question “what is High Tea?”. Perhaps you’ve seen the term alongside “Afternoon Tea” and found yourself baffled by the differences between them? If so, we have good news. The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company are here to clear up your confusion once and […]

Diuretic Tea

Is Tea A Diuretic? 

Is Tea a diuretic? The short answer: it depends on the type of Tea. In this article, we will explore the meaning of the word “diuretic” and why it has become so popular. We will then look at a variety of beverages to see which ones have diuretic qualities. After you’ve weighed up the facts, […]

Strawberry and Cream Tea

Strawberry and Cream Tisane Tea

British summertime isn’t the same without Strawberries and Cream with a nice cup of Tea. Why not combine the three with our Strawberry and Cream Tisane Tea? It is, after all, that time of year again. The sun is shining, and Wimbledon is in full swing. Over the next fortnight, some 28 tonnes of Strawberries […]