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Your Ultimate Tea and Coffee Blog page 47

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian Coffee – All You Need to Know

People love Ethiopian Coffee Beans, perhaps more so than any other brew. But why? Could it be because Ethiopia, a country in Africa, was the birthplace of both humanity AND Coffee? Homo Sapiens spread out from the continent some 70,000 years ago, thus moulding the world we know today. The discovery of Coffee, meanwhile, dates […]


Should You Drink Tea Before Bed?

Having a good night’s sleep is the key to looking and feeling our best, the question is, should you drink Tea before bed. Without enough rest, it might, in the short term, affect our mood, concentration and alertness. In the long term, it could cause far more severe consequences, such as an increased risk of several […]

is coffee a laxative

Is Coffee a Laxative?

No one can deny that Coffee gets us out of bed in the morning. However, after a cup or two, it seems to have us running to the toilet, Is Coffee a Laxative? For some, this can be somewhat of an inconvenience, while for others, it has since become part of the routine. So, is […]

tea for bloating

Best Teas For Bloating

A lovely, wholesome meal can sometimes be ruined by boating. Indeed, no one likes to feel swollen and uncomfortable at the best of times. Is there an easy, “fix-all” solution? Not exactly. However, there are, without a doubt, a few types of Tea that can help, thats right we have tea for bloating stomach. What […]

Effects of Caffeine

Effects Of Caffeine On You

What does caffeine do to the body? What effects does it have? For starters, it depends on the individual. It also depends on the amount of caffeine intake. In this article, The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company will talk you through the basics of caffeine. We will explore the science behind it, as […]