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Your Ultimate Tea and Coffee Blog page 43

Best Teas for Allergies

Best Teas for Allergies

Nothing ruins a good day quite like suffering from allergies. You could be having a walk with friends and family, or be at work, or even sitting at home. It doesn’t matter where you are when the pollen count is high – it always finds its way. But can your morning cuppa help? And if […]

Best Tea for Immune System Health

Best Tea for Immune System Health

It’s that time of year when colds and the flu do the rounds. But not everyone, of course, wants to dose themselves up with over-the-counter drugs or antibiotics. While this might, admittedly, be the best method of getting better, there is another option to consider alongside it: your morning cuppa. But what is the best […]

What Is Chai Tea

What is Chai Tea? and Ingredients Used in Chai

Britons have long been known for their tolerance of queues. We’re famous for it, in fact. Yet the recent influx at Tea-shops across the UK has put our collective patience to the test. Perhaps you, too, have found yourself in this position, waddling gradually towards the counter, eyes darting around for some form of entertainment. […]

Tea for Anxiety

Best Teas to Help with Anxiety

Your morning cup of Tea has many fantastic qualities. Studies suggest it can improve cardiovascular health while reducing diabetes risks, as well as aid digestion. But did you know Tea for anxiety is an excellent choice, too? This is what we’ll be exploring here. The article below will establish the best Teas to help with […]

Is coffee a diuretic Banner

Is Coffee a Diuretic?

No one can deny that your morning joe gets us out of bed in the morning. Indeed, its caffeinated kick provides an often much-needed boost to get the day started the right way. But is Coffee a diuretic? Can it help with toilet ‘duties’? This is what we’ll be exploring below. Here, we will answer […]