Let’s get one thing cleared up before we get started: most (emphasis on “most”, not all) types of Matcha Tea are Green Tea, meaning that, in other words, we’re talking about the same overall Tea type. However, it surprisingly gets a little more complicated, and that’s why The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company have posed a scenario whereby one must choose between Matcha Tea vs Green Tea. Which one will you decide?
Before making your decision, take note of the fact that it depends on many elements, though namely health benefits, popularity, convenience and, of course, taste. By the end of this article, you should have an idea which way you want to go; but either way, rest assured that The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company stock a wide variety of both types of Tea!

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea for Health Benefits
Despite technically being the same type of Tea, Matcha actually wins the first hurdle. How, may you ask? To understand this, one must first understand the unique production method utilised in its creation.
To make quality Matcha, the Camellia sinensis (Tea) plant must be shade-grown for at least two weeks before harvesting. This allows the leaves to produce larger quantities of amino acids and chlorophyll, two vital components found in this Tea.
The leaves are then picked, dried and ground into a fine powder, although it’s crucial to note that Matcha Tea uses the whole leaf, unlike regular Green Teas, meaning that all the nutrients and antioxidants of the tea leaf is consumed when brewing.
Amazingly, the antioxidant strength of Matcha Green Tea is said to be 137 times more than that of standard Green Tea. It ensures greater amounts of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the most beneficial antioxidant of them all.
EGCG has an outstanding ability to combat free radicals in the body, the product of natural, though harmful, human oxidation. By combating free radicals, EGCG can reduce the risks of developing numerous chronic conditions, particularly cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes. Scientists have even suggested correlations between the frequent consumption of Matcha Tea, as well as regular Green Tea, and reduced cancer risks.
And it can get better when we’re talking about Matcha White Tea. Though lesser-known in the world of Tea, Matcha White Teas, and even White Teas as a whole, have the highest levels of antioxidants in any Tea. This is owing to their limited processing, essentially meaning they’re as natural as they come!
Our White Kenya Matcha Tea, for example, contains more antioxidants than not just other Matcha Teas, but also almost any type of Tea we stock. What more could you possibly want from your morning cuppa?

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea for Popularity
Standard Green Tea was always going to win this one. Despite Matcha Tea being immensely popular, the bottom line is that Green Tea leaves (in other words, Tea not ground into powder) can refer to a variety of beverages.
This also including Sencha Green Tea, Gunpowder Tea, Decaffeinated Green Tea, Organic Green Tea, and even Flavoured Tea such as Jasmine Tea and Peppermint Green Tea.
Simply put, there are just more types of Green Tea than there are Matcha Tea. It isn’t exactly a satisfying win, but it’s a win nonetheless.
However, while Matcha comes up short on a large scale, it succeeds stupendously within a niche market, referring to Tea connoisseurs who flock to this brew. Its remarkable history and the enchanting culture surrounding it are just two elements considered when chosen by these connoisseurs, as well as, perhaps unsurprisingly, its unique flavour. To find out more about this Tea’s history and culture, please read our informative blog, Matcha Tea Benefits.

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea Brewing
Matcha Tea takes longer to brew than standard Green Tea for numerous reasons, so some may argue that the latter is more convenient than the former. But for those who have the time, Matcha Tea is well worth the wait.
To make a cup of Loose Leaf Green Tea, brew using freshly boiled water left to cool to temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees. Following this, infuse for 2 to 3 minutes.
To make Matcha Tea, meanwhile, use a small sifter to add 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder into a cup, then add hot water of a similar temperature and whisk vigorously.

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea for Taste
There are absolutely no losers when it comes to taste (or aroma) with either Matcha Tea vs Green Tea. It is all a matter of personal preference, after all! Now, which one suits your palate best? You might have to try both and find out for yourself (win-win, no?)!
Loose Green Tea, generally speaking, has a grassy, often herbaceous taste. The particular type chosen may offer different qualities such as astringency, floralness and even earthiness. Be sure to read each description carefully to determine the flavour of the Tea, as no two are ever the same.
The same stark differences between two beverages also apply to Matcha, though again, generally speaking, tasting notes are often described as vegetal with complex herbaceous undertones. Furthermore, an exceptional bittersweet balance prevails in most Matcha Teas with a refreshing grassy aftertaste following suit.

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea, the Winner?
In our opinion, everyone wins, as ultimately, Matcha Tea vs Green Tea are just too different to compare. Both Tea types have their own unique qualities, so it very much bores down to individual taste.
It will come as no surprise to hear that The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company like both brews equally. We couldn’t pick between either, but maybe you can?
Every Tea, as well as every Coffee, we stock here in our Kent-based factory is packed fresh to order, thus ensuring not only quality but also consistency.