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How to Make Whipped Coffee at Home Guide

How to Make Whipped Coffee at Home Guide

Coffee shops seem to bless every corner of the highstreet these days, and the likes of Cappuccinos and Lattes remain ever-popular. However, people are now starting to get more inventive when they think of types of Coffee drinks, which we’re all for. The following article will keep the trend going, showing you how to make […]

Does tea count as water intake

Does Tea Count as Water Intake?

Water is something we can’t live without. Not only does the human body consist of up to 60% of the stuff, but its consumption is paramount to our functionality. Water, however, arguably comes in many forms – or at least finds itself in many of the things we eat and drink. What we intend to […]

Is Tea Acidic

Is Tea Acidic or Alkaline – Find Out Here

People have started to care more about what Tea can offer apart from its great taste. We know, for example, that it contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants capable of improving life in small yet significant ways. But there’s more. Much more. The following article will explore, “Is Tea Acidic or Alkaline?” […]

Does Decaf Tea Have Caffeine

Does Decaf Tea Have Caffeine at All?

A common misconception is that Decaffeinated Tea (and Fresh Coffee, for that matter) is 100% void of caffeine. The truth is a little more complicated than that. Indeed, we’re often asked, “Does Decaf Tea have caffeine at all?” and we have to explain that yes, it does, despite what it says on the tin. But […]

Used Tea Bags

What Can I Use Used Tea Bags For?

Most of us like to get a little extra use out of things these days. If there is a household item that can prove handy more than once, then we tend to jump at the chance. The same rules apply to used Tea Bags, which, with the right advice, can serve other purposes in a […]