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Disney Tea

Disney’s ‘Time for Tea’

A Look at Disney’s Tea Obsession, One Cup at a Time Nestling down with a cup of tea to watch a Disney classic is a match-made in heaven. But have you ever noticed how potty Disney characters are about their brews? Look closely, and you’ll find a teapot or a teacup cropping up in many […]

Does Tea Keep You Awake?

Does Tea Keep You Awake?

A lovely, refreshing, invigorating cup of Tea helps to get you out of bed in the morning. It stands to reason, then, that it’ll keep you up at night. But is it really as simple as that? Does Tea keep you awake, no matter what? The following article will answer your frequently asked questions (FAQ) […]

Effects of Climate Change on Tea

Effects of Climate Change on Tea Production

Climate change affects everything from the Earth’s atmosphere to migration patterns. It is a crisis that requires immediate attention. This extends to the effects of climate change on Tea production, which has become increasingly noticeable in recent years. If something isn’t done soon, the livelihoods of millions of people could be at stake. Our article […]

Does Tea Dehydrate or Hydrate You

Does Tea Dehydrate You or Hydrate?

There is mixed messaging around the question, “Does Tea dehydrate you?” Look it up on the internet, and you’ll find contradictory articles left, right and centre. It’s time to put your queries to bed once and for all. The following article, every word of which you can believe, will explore, “Is Tea dehydrating or is […]

Which Country Drinks the Most Tea

Which Country Drinks the Most Tea : Top 10 in Order

It is all but impossible to escape British stereotypes of Dickensesque London streets, top hats and, of course, Tea drinking. Suffice to say, our capital today bears little resemblance to the time of Oliver Twist. What’s more, few people dress for the part unless done so ironically. The UK isn’t even the biggest Tea drinker. […]