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White Tea vs Green Tea

White Tea vs Green Tea

It is no secret these days that Green Tea can improve one’s everyday way of life in a multitude of ways. The studies are out there, and the media can’t get enough of it! We open the newspapers, turn on the television, listen to the radio and there it is: “Green Tea’s extraordinarily health benefits”. […]

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea

Matcha Tea vs Green Tea

Let’s get one thing cleared up before we get started: most (emphasis on “most”, not all) types of Matcha Tea are Green Tea, meaning that, in other words, we’re talking about the same overall Tea type. However, it surprisingly gets a little more complicated, and that’s why The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company […]

Green Tea Caffeine

How Much Caffeine in Green Tea

Once, people thought little of how much caffeine in Green Tea . In reality, it has only been relatively recently that people have thought about Caffeine at all! Now, however, science has established both the advantages and disadvantages of continuous Caffeine intake day after day after day. These new studies have given rise to numerous […]