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What is arabica coffee and where is it from

What is Arabica Coffee and Where is it From?

High-end cafes and restaurants take tremendous pride in their Coffee. You’ve probably seen the blackboard outside with the words, “100% Arabica Coffee Beans,” almost as if it was a badge of honour. And it is, in a way. But what is Arabica Coffee and where is it from? We’ll find out in the following article, […]

Who discovered coffee and where did coffee originate

Who Discovered Coffee & Where Did Coffee Originate?

An estimated 95 million cups of Coffee are consumed in the UK per day. Across the pond, in the United States, that number rises to 400 million cups. And its influence is spreading and growing all the time. But who discovered Coffee? When did it take place? Where did it begin? These questions will be […]

Why is Coffee so Addictive for Some People

Why is Coffee so Addictive for Some People?

In 1985, Robert Palmer released his iconic single, Addicted to Love. In 1993, Haddaway took it further and asked the question, musically speaking, What is Love? If you’re reading this article, the answer might well be, and understandably so, your morning cuppa. Which prompts a whole new question: Why is Coffee so addictive for some […]

used Coffee grounds

10 Tips to Recycle Used Coffee Grounds

Here we’re going to be providing you with 10 tips to recycle used Coffee grounds. Whether you try one or all of them, it’ll be making a difference – be it to the world or, perhaps, more simply, to you.  Even better is the fact that, once you’ve learnt everything, you can buy delicious and […]

Plastic Free Coffee Bags

Meet our Plastic Free Coffee Bags

Coffee Bags have become the new craze in 2021. Similar to their Tea-filled counterparts, they are, essentially, convenience in a cup. But what makes them so special? What are Coffee Bags and what are they made from, anyway? Your questions will be answered in the following article. Please keep reading and, when you’re thirsty for […]